The Origination of Monetization (Tawarruq) and its application in Islamic Sudanese Banking: A comparative study
التأصيل الفقهي للتورق وتطبيقاته في البنوك الإسلامية السودانية
Dr.Mashair Idris, University of Khartoum , Faculty of Law, Department of Shariah , Sudan.
د. مشاعر ادريس خير الله سرور، كلية القانون- جامعة الخرطوم.
مقال منشور في مجلة جيل الأبحاث القانونية المعمقة العدد 54 الصفحة 109.
تناولت هذه الدراسة التأصيل الفقهي للتورق وتطبيقاته في البنوك السودانية ، تنبع أهميتها لبيان الدور الفعّال الذي يلعبه التورق في مجال المصرفية الإسلامية كمعاملة مصرفية حديثة بديلاً لمعاملات القرض بفائدة . هدفت الدراسة الى توضيح الفرق الجوهري بين التورق وبيع العينة متمثلاً في الربا فهو متحقق في بيع العِينة لأنه بيع صوري ، ولا يوجد في بيع التورق لأنه بيع حقيقي غايته الحصول على السيولة (النقد).اتبعت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي وذلك من خلال ذكر آراء المذاهب الفقهية الاربعة وتحليلها فيما بينها واختيار ارجحها ومقارنته بنصوص قانون المعاملات المدنية السوداني للعام1984 ، ونصوص المعايير الشرعية الصادرة عن هيئة المحاسبة والمراجعة للمؤسسات المالية والإسلامية ذات الصلة.
توصلت الدراسة إلى عُدة نتائج اهمها أن التورق الفردي البسيط مشروع ،ويستمد مشروعيته من المبادئ الأساسية التي تهدف الشريعة إلى تحقيقها منها سد احتياجات الأفراد و تحقيق المصالح العامة ، كما توصلت الدراسة إلى أن هنالك قصور في القانون المدني السوداني بعدم تناوله لأحكام التورق كآلية معاصرة بجانب تناوله للآليات الأخرى كالإجارة وغيرها ، ايضا توصلت الدراسة الى عدم مشروعية التورق المنظم لأنه يعتبر حيلة الى الربا.
خلصت الدراسة إلى عًدة توصيات منها ضرورة تفعيل تطبيق التورق في البنوك السودانية مع الأخذ في الاعتبار الاحتياطات اللازمة لتجنب مخاطر تطبيقه ، وعلى المشرع السوداني تبني أحكام التورق وفق لما جاءت به المعايير الشرعية ، وايضا ًعلى هيئات الرقابة الشرعية بالبنوك التأكد من أن تطبيق التورق يتم وفق ضوابط وأحكام الشريعة الغراء .
كلمات مفتاحية : التأصيل الفقهي ، التورق ، بيع العينة ، معايير الشريعة الإسلامية، تلبية احتياجات الأفراد ، المصلحة المرسلة.
This study deal with the origination of monetization (Tawarruq) and its application in Islamic Sudanese banking ,the significance of studying this topic steams from the effective role that the monetization transaction played in the field of Islamic financial as modern alternative instruments for the traditional loans .so in this context this study aimed to clarify the main difference between monetization and Inah is that depend on the interest (Riba), while is achieved in Bai –al-Inah because its fake sale, and not achieved in Tawarruq because it genuine sale depend on the obtain of the liquidity. The study has adopted the comparative descriptive analytical approach through exposing the different views of the main four schools of fiqh, analyzing and comparing between them inter se, and with the relevant provisions of Sudanese Civil Transaction Act beside the provisions of AAIOFI.The study closed with the numerous outcomes the most important of which that the monetization ( al-Tawarruq al -Fardi) is permissible according to the majority of the Islamic fiqh jurisprudence, and the main cause of originated the permissibility of monetization is depend on the basic principles of Sharia such as achievement of the public interest of individual (Maslahah Mursalah), and to satisfy the people needs, moreover there is a shortcoming in the Sudanese Civil Transaction Act1984 when it doesn’t covering the ruler of monetization in it provisions beside the other modern instruments such as Ijarah , also the study reached to that organized monetization is not compliance with the Sharia standards.
The study recommended that The Shariah board and Directors’ of Sudanese Islamic banking should effective the implementation of Tawarruq, beside the management unit in banks should take specific issues to resolve any difficulties face the application of monetization, The Sudanese legislature should adapt the definition and criterion of monetization laid down by the Islamic Fiqh Academy and AAIOFI, also The application of monetization in Islamic bank should supervised by the authorize body to ensure that it conformity with Sharia rules .
Keywords: Origination of Monetization, Tawarruq, Shariah standards, Bai –al-Inah, Riba, individual needs, Maslahah Mursalah .
Islamic banking is banking consistent with the principles of Islamic Law (Shariah), So Although existence of general conventional financing methods ,Islamic finance techniques has recently become more important among the Muslim countries and also attracting not only Muslims but also non-Muslims as well.
The basic principle which established by Islamic banking the profit interest is prohibited, and each risk is shared between enterprise and supplies according the jurisprudential rule the profit and loss sharing, Islamic banking, also referred to as Islamic finance or Shariah-compliant finance, refers to financial activities that adhere to Shariah (Islamic law). Two fundamental principles of Islamic banking are the sharing of profit and loss and the prohibition of the collection and payment of interest by lenders and investors. while the finance in conventional banking the supplies never sharing the customer in loss.
Islamic banking is an interest free banking system and is governed by the principles laid down by Islamic Sharia’h. Commonly Islamic modes used for saving deposits is Mudharaba and Qarz for current deposits while Murabaha, Ijarah, Diminishing Musharakah, Salam, Istisna, Ijarah and forward Ijarah, Tawarruq and organized Tawarruq, and other modes used for financing.
This Proposed paper will cover the Monetization (Tawarruq) as a modern instrument of Islamic finance sine there are necessity and needs from individual among this instrument. Instead of there is two main aspects will be cover one of which origination of financial Tawarruq and the implementations of such origination in Islamic banking.
Scope of the paper : (Section-topic –application)
This paper focuses on the origination of the financial Tawarruq from different Islamic jurisprudential views, and implementing of it t in Sudanese Islamic banking through rules conformity with Islamic principles.
This proposed paper will consist of three sections, section one will contain the definition of Tawarruq and explain the different between Tawarruq and Inah, Murabaha, Section two will expose the classification of Tawarruq, Section three will cover the origination of Tawarruq ant its application in Islamic banking, besides concluding it will contain summarized of the consequences (outcome) and recommendation for further suggestions.
Statement of the problem
Almost of conventional financing methods based on interest, this way is opposed to the principles of Islamic Law. Consequently, a number of financial institution and individual Muslims attempted to find new financing techniques comply with Islamic Law. (Sharia Rules). which provided everything is permissible “Halal” unless it constitute interest then become forbidden “Harm” .Despite of providing this rules conformity with Sharia which must be followed in financial institution ,So until today many financial institution deal with Interest “Riba”.
Riba means any excess payment or additional return deriving from the principal amount of debt. Riba in this context is forbidden because both Quran and Sunnah provide for the prohibition of Riba on several occasions.
This prohibition in fact doesn’t mean that Shariah prohibits making profit, defiantly, under Islamic institution make profit but governed by Shariah rules which provided for any party in any Islamic financial transaction must share with other party in both profit and losses, obviously this is main different between Islamic transaction and conventional financing which in it the parties of contract share only on the profit.
So, the main question arises here to what extent the Financial Tawarruq as a modern Instrument of Islamic Finance conformity with Shariah? So, the main hypotheses
Of this paper is:
للاطلاع على كل المقال حمل مجلة جيل الأبحاث القانونية المعمقة العدد 54 الصفحة 109.