التّعالق بين آليّات توليديّة ومفاهيم موجّهة
Correlation between THE generative mechanisms and THE guiding concepts
الدّكتورة حياة يفرني.أستاذة متعاقدة بالمعهد العالي للغات بنابل – تونس
Dr. Hayet yeferni. a contract professor at the Higher Institute of Languages in Nabeul – Tunisia
للاطلاع على كل المقال حمل من هنا مجلة جيل الدراسات الأدبية والفكرية العدد 83 الصفحة 47.
Abstract :
Language is designed to connect sound and meaning. With generative grammar, Chomsky was interested in modeling language by researching how language is computed in the mind. Generative theory, in all its aspects, sought to subject linguistic theory and reality to homogeneity and coexistence. Therefore, generative grammar – Chomsky and those who followed his example – always questioned the possibility of developing a unified method for interpreting linguistic theory. The content of Chomsky’s work, and his followers, is working on the linguistic faculty, which is based on a computational or syntactic system that works with syntactic rules that transform data into representations in the mind. Our article “Correlation between THE generative mechanisms and THE guiding concepts”
In fact, it is an extension of a number of generative concepts that, although the way they were presented or applied changed in the Chomskyan generative approaches, they preserved their first foundations. The linguistic faculty and universal grammar are undoubtedly among the basics of generative grammar and linguistic research. The effectiveness of these concepts does not appear except by adopting generative mechanisms or procedural mechanisms that together constitute the mental computing of the natural language. In this paper, we have dealt with a number of concepts, the most important of which are the linguistic faculty, the universal grammar, the features, and the categories. Then we linked this to focusing on two mechanisms or say two generative computing processes that have witnessed serious developments since the first generative proposition, namely Merge and Agree.
Through that, we tried to emphasize the correlation and interdependence between generative mechanisms and concepts, despite their development or modification of their basics.
Keywords: language faculty – universal grammar – agreement – merge – features – categories – functional head .